Make Your Blogging a Raging Success

 You may not be aware of an exact number but you probably have a sense that there are millions of people who are blogging every week and an even greater number of blogs that are being written, posted, and syndicated.

What are the implications of so many blogs?

How does such a number of blogs online affect you and how does it affect everyone else? There are two sides to that issue. First of all, a huge number of blogs means that a large amount of information is available to you (literally at your fingertips). However, you should be aware of the fact that you are not safe in assuming that all of the content in all of those blogs is valuable for you personally and that it is valuable for your particular business. That definitely is not necessarily the case. It is obvious that that much information is too much information for any one person to read in its entirety.

As you are thinking about all of that information online, you are probably wondering how blogging applies to you and to your business. The answer to that question is that it absolutely applies to what you are doing. However, before you plunge into becoming a full-fledged blogger, you will want to consider a few questions so that you establish a blogging strategy that you can depend on to help you to achieve success.

What should you write about?

This is probably the first question that you will have when it comes to blogging. Since you are an expert in something and it is probably safe to assume that your business is connected to that area of expertise, there is a really good probability that you will have plenty of material about which to write. Even if you have to think a little to come up with topics every week, you most likely have a rich foundation of material from which to draw. It is important for you to remember that you may become inspired to write a blog post from many different sources and at many different times. You just never know when it is going to hit you. In fact, that is part of the fun. One good source for topics and discussions may be the discussions that have taken place at the bottom of previous posts. It is definitely worth checking out because people generally have all sorts of interesting things to say and your clues (as far as potential topics are concerned) may be hidden there.

Another excellent topic source is the topics of the other bloggers whose material you like to read. Of course, it goes without saying that you will not be copying their content word for word. That is called plagiarism. However, there is nothing wrong with getting inspiration from the ideas that they are sharing with you through their content. You may be able to offer interesting and creative insights on the same topic and the discussion that ensues from that may be very interesting indeed!

Which writing approach should you use?

Your writing style (or your writing voice) is as unique to you as your fingerprints. However, unlike your fingerprints, your written voice may take some time and effort to develop. That is perfectly fine. When you are thinking about your writing approach, you should try to empathize with the reader. In other words, it is important to keep in mind that your readers don't have a great deal of time to spend on your content. With that in mind, it is probably a very good idea to write as clearly and concisely as you can. You don't want to write blogs that are so short that they don't express what you need to express. However, at the same time, you also don't want to write blogs that are long and boring. Your blog writing must make an impact and it must make an impact quickly. There is no doubt that you will be able to achieve that and to capture the undivided attention of your readers.

Which approach do you use once you are ready to share your blog content?

Okay, so you have done a wonderful job of writing your thought-provoking blog. You have full confidence that your blog will be exciting, compelling, and very educational to your readers. If you were a reader, you certainly would feel that way. Now you are at the point where you must decide upon the most effective way to share your blog content. How do you go about doing that? First and foremost, you need to integrate your blog with your chosen social media channels. Then, your readers can read your blog directly and easily. Once you have done that, you will be ready to interact with other people online. That means that you will want to interact with your readers, influencers, and other people whose opinions you value. You will want to encourage comments, discussions, questions, and any other relevant communications from your online connections. Remember that the easier you make the ability to interact for the other people online, the more they will be willing (and even excited) to interact with you.

Capture the analytics

If you don't pay any attention to the analytics, when it comes to the performance of your blogs, you will have no idea if you are heading in the right direction. If you don't have a sense of that, you will never get to where you want to be. It is that simple. Capturing the analytics (specifically for the performance of your blog content) completes the circle when it comes to your entire blog process. Another aspect of your blogging that you should try to capture is how well your blogs are doing once you have shared them. Are they exciting and thought-provoking to other people online to compel them to share the content with other people they know and trust? If they answer is "yes," you have hit the mark.


Blogging is a very important part of your social media presence and your branding and marketing strategy. If you share blog content effectively, you will get noticed and you will start to build relationships with other people online that will become mutually beneficial and solid. Of course, what goes without saying is that your blog content must be held to an extremely high standard of quality and uniqueness. By the point at which you have started to blog, you will have identified your niche. This will guarantee that your content is fascinating to your readers, which, in turn will guarantee that they keep coming back to read more of your blogs. It is a simple, straightforward concept that really works.

Carolyn T. Cohn is the Chief Editor of CompuKol Communications. Mrs. Cohn has a wealth of experience in managing people and projects. She has run several editorial departments for various companies. Mrs. Cohn has 25 years of editorial experience and her expertise covers a wide range of media, such as online editing, editing books, journal articles, abstracts, and promotional and educational materials. Throughout her career, Mrs. Cohn has established and maintained strong relationships with professionals from a wide range of companies. The principle that governs her work is that all words need to be edited.

A freelance writer can help you with writing blogs in many different ways. Many bloggers fail because their posts are not written well enough. There can be many reasons for that. Not all of them are due to the topic of your blog, but connected more with your use of language and how you project your enthusiasm for your niche.

Let's have a look at some ways in which a freelance writer can help you with writing blogs they way you want them written, and perhaps then you will learn how to look after your own blog writing and general maintenance of your blog.

1. Poor Grammar

It is not enough just to write 'in a way that can be understood.' Many people claim that grammar is unimportant, and that all that matters if you can get your point across. This is total nonsense. Sure, you can make your point without needing good grammar, but if you want to impress people enough to follow your blog, and perhaps even purchase from you, then you need good grammar. You must persuade your readers that you are a master of your subject, and you won't do that with a poor quality of writing!

2. Poor Spelling

There is no excuse for bad spelling due to the easy accessibility of spell checkers. However - and this is very important - it helps to spell according to the convention of the country you are aiming at. American English grammar, punctuation and spelling are fine for most countries, but if you are aiming at UK and Oceanic markets, then UK English is best.

3. Writing Blogs in a Compelling Fashion

Blogs are no different to regular websites in many ways. The most important of these ways is what your readers expect when they visit your site. They may want to be entertained, be offered useful information or even see products that might be useful to them.

In each of these cases it is essential to write in a compelling way. You have to catch their interest immediately and then hold that interest while you state your message. A freelance writer should be skilled in doing this, and will generally be able to pass on your message more positively than you can. It makes no different if you are making a sales pitch or simply telling your story. Professional freelancers are skilled in this and can make the difference between the success and failure of your blog.

4. A Freelance Writer Brings a New Perspective

Many people who are masters of their own niche can be rooted to one perspective of their subject. Somebody with fresh eyes, such a freelance writer or blog ghostwriter, can provide a freshness to your blog that might be needed to keep holding the interest of your readers. Fresh eyes, a new perspective or just a different take on a subject can often help to catch attention and make people think - "Hmmm... this blog seems to offer something different - it might be worth following for a while."

That's what you want, and by writing your own blog posts combined with employing a freelance blogger or content writer, you might find that the freelance writer helps you to converts visitors to regular readers. Not only that, but also helps you keep your existing regulars visiting your blog. Successful blogging involves both of these - converting visitors and convincing them they should visit again, and again and forever.

5. Freelance Writers Have Experience

Freelance writers tend to have a lot of experience writing for other websites and blogs. They know what works for others and can pass that knowledge to you. Be sure, however, that while a professional freelance writer will help you with writing blogs, he or she will never divulge the secrets of other clients. Ask them to do so and you will likely lose a good writer that can do a lot for your blog, and your bottom line if your blog is commercial. So you secrets are safe with them!

A freelance writer can certainly help you with writing blogs. The cost need not be high, but their services can be critical to your blogging success Many bloggers whose first language is English still employ freelance writers simply for that different perspective to their niche and the freshness this provides. It is worth trying, because few people ever genuinely know everything about their own niche, and even fewer are able to write about in a compelling and authoritative way that is generally free of the errors discussed above.


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